

The beer is brewed via a double-mash procedure using traditional technology, so-called decoction (boiling of malt mash), one batch takes 12 hours to brew.

The main fermentation of beer takes place in the brewery cellar in two closed fermentation tanks for a period of 6 to 9 days. During main fermentation alcohol is created in the beer and carbon dioxide is released. After the main fermentation, yeasts drop to the bottom and the beer is pumped into 6 lager tanks where it matures for 1 month (some special or stronger beers even longer). Afterwards it is taken to pressurised tanks which are used to draw beer for consumption.


For brewing we use two to three types of Czech hops from Žatec and Úštěk, of which the variety called "žatecký poloranný červeňák”, which is over 500 years old, is the most important.


Malt is added and carefully mixed in specifically balanced ratios so that optimal colour and balanced taste of the individual types of beer is always achieved.


We use medium-hard water from Ústí which is free of any unwelcome additives and has been used to brew beers such as Zlatopramen or Březňák for more than twenty years.


At the moment we brew 3 types of beer permanently and with them we offer some special beers based on the season.
You can learn more about them in the Our beers section.

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